Safeguarding Policy

At Centrepoint we are committed to keeping children in our care safe.

Reviewed October 2021

1. No child may attend prior to a full registration pack being completed and returned to Centrepoint.

2. No child may attend the Centrepoint prior to a full registration pack being completed and returned to Centrepoint.

3. Centrepoint must be given at least one month’s notice in writing of any change to contracted care requirements. Centrepoint will endeavour to accommodate any additional care requirements requested where possible, but reserve the right to decline any requests dependent on availability and other business restrictions, subject to Term and Condition 5 which deals specifically with term-time care.

4. Any additional ad-hoc term-time or holiday care booked must be paid in advance, at the time of the booking being made. This can be booked online.

5. No refunds or alternative sessions are given for non-attendance or ad-hoc absences of pre-booked early morning or after school sessions.

6. An administration fee of £25 will be charged for any changes to the childcare requested within this contract which results in a recalculation of fees. This charge will apply to the second change and each additional change thereafter.

7. Centrepoint will close at 2.30pm on Christmas Eve, or the last working day before Christmas if Christmas Eve falls on a weekend.

8. Centrepoint must be informed of any changes to your contact details.

9. Centrepoint requires all parents/carers to read and abide by the guidelines contained in the Parents Handbook.

10. Where there is more than one child of the same family residing in the same home together and using any of Centrepoints facilities, the child with the highest fees will be charged at full price and 10% discount will be applied to the additional child(ren) fees. This discount will only apply if all of the children booked in attend as contracted. Any changes to the contracted care will result in a full recalculation of any discounts given in accordance with our terms and conditions, for the entire contracted period, and may result in a reduction and/or loss of discount.

11. Payment of fees shall be made by the fee payer in advance on or around the 1st day of each month by either Banker’s Standing Order or Direct Debit. If the payment of fees are outstanding for more than 14 days then Centrepoint reserve the right to serve 7 days’ notice in writing to terminate this contract, and this notice shall be regarded as a formal demand for all outstanding monies due and may result in the loss of the child’s place at Centrepoint. No refunds are given for non-attendance.

12. The monthly fees payable by the parent/carer are calculated by taking the annual amount payable, and then dividing the balance over the remaining months of the contracted care that the child(ren) attends Centrepoint.

13. The Parent/Guardian is liable for payment of all fees due. Centrepoint assumes no responsibility for the provision of information to the Income Support Department or for meeting any requirements that they may have, but will provide quotes for Income Support purposes to the Parent/Guardian, where requested, such requests should be made in writing to the Finance Department, Centrepoint, Le Hurel, La Pouquelaye, St Helier, JE2 3FU or emailed to Upon receipt of confirmation of the contribution that the Income Support Department agree to pay directly to Centrepoint any shortfall that is to be paid by the Parent/Guardian will be calculated and will fall due and payable.

14. For the Weekend Club, 48 hours notice is required for cancellation.

15. Children must be collected by the end of the allocated session and failure to do so will result in an immediate late collection charge of £5.00 for every 15 minutes or part thereof.

16. When notified by a member of staff that a child has become ill, children must be collected and kept at home until they are well, in accordance with Centrepoint Handbook and the Island’s Exclusion Policy. Centrepoint must be informed if your child is suffering from any contagious disease. For the benefit of other children that attend Centrepoint, you must not allow your child to attend if they are suffering from a contagious disease which could easily be passed on to another child.

17. Centrepoint does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to a child’s belongings (including electronic devices) whilst they are in the care of Centrepoint. Centrepoint will not be held responsible for the usage of any electronic devices including mobile phones, brought to Centrepoint by the children attending.

18. Parents/carers will be liable for any damage or injury their child causes to Centrepoint property, staff or any third party whilst they are in the care of Centrepoint.

19. In the case of any complaints regarding the practice or care of a child at Centrepoint these must, in the first instance, be made in writing to the Head of the applicable practice.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the response, then the complaint will be referred to the CEO, Centrepoint, Le Hurel, La Pouquelaye, St Helier, JE2 3FU.

20. In the case of complaints or concerns regarding fees and administration issues these should be addressed to the Finance Manager, Centrepoint, Le Hurel, La Pouquelaye, St Helier, JE2 3FU.

21. Centrepoint must be informed if a child is subject to a court order and copies of such orders must be provided upon request. Centrepoint must also be informed of any involvement from any other agency such as children’s services, MASH etc.

22. Upon request Centrepoint will issue the childcare tax certificate to the signatory/ies to this contract. If the childcare tax certificate is to be issued to a third party, then Centrepoint must be informed in writing, by the signatory/ies of this contract, of the relevant person’s name and address.

23. Centrepoint’s ethos is to provide stimulating care and Play Opportunities for all children in a safe, supervised environment. Parents/careers must behave in an appropriate manner at all times when attending at Centrepoint and ensure that any other adults attending Centrepoint to collect their child(ren) are aware of the standard of behaviour required of them and must act accordingly. Centrepoint reserves the right to exclude anyone exhibiting such behaviour from the premises.

24. Whilst safety of children is paramount, the nature of the care provided at Centrepoint means that slips, trips, knocks, cuts and bruises can occasionally occur despite Centrepoint’s best attention and the efforts and training of their staff. The signing of this contract represents acceptance by parents/careers of the above and confirmation that Centrepoint shall not liable for any injury occurring whilst the child is in Centrepoint’s care, unless such injury has been caused by the negligence or neglect of Centrepoint staff. Should any concerns arise, these should be addressed with the Head of practice in the first instance.

25. I give Centrepoint permission to contact and discuss any Income Support award relating to child care provided by Centrepoint.

26. There will be an increase in fees on annual basis in September each year.

Policy Statement

Centrepoint aims to adopt the highest possible standards of safeguarding and take all reasonable steps to protect and keep children safe in our care.

Centrepoint is committed to keeping children in our care safe. Centrepoint aims to adopt the highest possible standards of safeguarding and take all reasonable steps to protect and keep children safe who are in our care. At Centrepoint we put the children at the heart of everything we do, we want all children in our care to feel safe, secure and have someone they can speak to. We are passionate about giving the children our time and understanding. We want the children to feel comfortable around our employees. We have a passionate team who are constantly reflecting our practice so we can always improve. We listen actively to the voice of the child, building good relationships with children and their families. All employees need to share our values and in doing this, we can provide children with a safe space where they can always talk to us.

Centrepoint regularly review all our Safeguarding and child protection policies and processes to ensure best practice and that we comply with all relevant legislation, guidance and advice from Child Protection Agencies.

Forms of abuse to look out for are: physical, emotional, neglect, domestic abuse, bullying and cyber bullying, child sexual exploitation and trafficking, criminal exploitation and gangs, female genital mutilation, grooming, non-recent abuse, on line abuse (please see Appendix 1 – Types of Abuse)

We have a duty to act in accordance with the Children’s (Jersey) Law 2002 (in particular Part 5: Protection of children).

Centrepoint are advocates of children’s rights and prioritise the rights of children in all our policies and actions. We have considered the UNCRC while writing this policy in particular incorporated Articles, 2, 3, 12, 19, 23, 31, 34, 39 (please see Appendix 2 – Rights of the Child for further details)


At Centrepoint everyone has a responsibility to keep children safe and to foster a culture where safeguarding is a priority:

  • The CEO, DSL and Management Team have accountability and responsibility for the adoption and implementation of the safeguarding policy, processes and procedures, ensuring the whole team have the opportunity to review and understand the policy.
  • Every Employee (regardless of their role or position) is responsible for reading, understanding and following the Safeguarding Policy and Code of Practice (Appendix 3), raising awareness of any concerns they have following the process and procedures laid out in this policy and maintaining appropriate confidentiality.
  • Parents and Families are responsible for keeping the Centrepoint team informed of any information they need to ensure the care of your child or children. This includes any changes in any circumstance, routines, medication, dietary requirements, beliefs and anything else they might feel is important.
  • Visitors – please highlight to our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or other team member any concerns you have whilst you are at our setting.

Centrepoint Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP):

La Pouquelaye Nursery: Tania Moniz, Michelle James, Tyler Gosselin
Green Street Nursery: Steph Turner, Gabby Ferreira, Corrine Feger
Playcare: Paul Witt, Melody Cornick
The Space:
Roxanne Pryor

Centrepoint Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):

La Pouquelaye Nursery: Mell Le Cornu
Green Street Nursery: Hannah Gamble
Playcare: Zelia De Abreu
The Space:
Roxanne Pryor

Centrepoint Designated Safeguarding Lead Officers (DSLO)
Tanja Haynes, Graeme Fitchett

Centrepoint CEO:
Jane Moy, Telephone 735151 (ext 5) or email:

In the absence of Designated Persons and/or in extreme emergency situations:

Children and Families Hub:
Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm, Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Call: 01534 519000

States of Jersey Police: Call 01534 612612

Other important contacts:

Independent Safeguarding Standards (adult/staff concerns)
01534 443536 – In relation to a concern around institutional practice or allegation against a member of staff

Safeguarding Partnership Board
01534 442752 – for local advice and training and below for other useful advice

Other useful information:



FGM Concerns – 0800 028 3550


What we do

  • Centrepoint operate a safer recruitment system and only employ people who meet our strict criteria
  • All members of the team paid or volunteers will have an enhanced and barred DBS and be on the updates scheme. Anyone without the DBS and or visitors to our setting will never be left alone with children.
  • As part of our registration requirements, staff need to be signed up to the DBS update system, so regular checks can be performed. Details will be entered into the central log for this purpose
  • All staff will have a thorough induction which includes training on all policies including the safeguarding Policy, Centrepoint code of conduct, Child Protection, Whistle Blowing Policies. Agreement and adherence will be given by signing the Policy checklist on induction.
  • The team at Centrepoint will act upon any concerns and/or information received in respect of a child in our care and will work with all relevant agencies as appropriate.
  • Staffs understanding of their responsibilities will be regularly confirmed during their probation periods and following this our appraisal system.
  • All staff must attend the Child Protection Foundation 6 hour training and provide the certificate so details can be recorded (central log). Following this, annual update training is required.
  • Considering the needs of children all staff have access to training to support children’s needs while maintaining dignity and best safeguarding practice (could give examples such as MAYBO)
  • Policies and procedures will be review annually by the team and following and concerns or incidents by management. Relevant adaptations will be made and shared with the staff team
  • The team build positive relationships with the children and families and encourage them to come forward to discuss any areas they are concerned about or need support so that our team can be proactive in supporting families and avoiding the escalations of situations or concerns.
  • Our practitioners have a good understanding of the signs and symptoms of abuse and the additional barriers to identifying these in some of our children.
  • Through training and clear guidance we empower our team and the children to act on any concerns they might have. We provide our team with clear instructions on how to deal with each plausible scenario (see below dealing with concerns).
  • Where a member of staff is dismissed (or would have been, had the person not left the setting first) because they have harmed a child or put a child at risk of harm we always ensure that a referral is made to both the Disclosure and Barring Service and the Independent Safeguarding Standards.

Dealing with Concerns/Incidents

If a child makes a disclosure:

  • You must listen carefully, and give assurances to the child, do not judge the situation and do not promise to keep the disclosure a secret. Confidentiality must be maintained, you must only discuss this situation with the DSL in the first instance and never outside the workplace.
  • Any disclosure must be recorded as soon as possible after the disclosure/incident in a detailed dated account, stating the facts using the Safeguarding Concerns report form (Please see Appendix 4 – Record of Concern). The report can include professional opinion or judgements.
  • Report the disclosure immediately to the DSL and pass on the report. A decision will be made to record on ‘record of concern’ (shared-Safeguarding & SEN for Nurseries from Sep 2018-safeguarding record) or to contact The Children and Families Hub, a single point of referral for additional support and safeguarding and protection concerns.
  • DSL must consider whether consent from the child’s is needed prior to contacting any other agency to discuss the disclosure

Children and Families Hub:

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm, Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Call-: 01534 519000

If you have concerns about a child's physical or emotional wellbeing:

Report any concerns to the DSL and your line manager. All concerns must be recorded as soon as possible after the disclosure/incident in a detailed, dated account, stating the facts using the Safeguarding Concerns report form (Please see Appendix 4 – Record of Concern). The report can include professional opinion or judgements. Actions following this also need to be recorded on the form. A decision will be made if the Children and Families Hub is contacted.

If a child makes an accusation against a member of staff:

Record the facts ensuring that all witnesses sign and date the entry using the Safeguarding Concerns report form (Please see Appendix 4– Record of Concern). Contact the DSL immediately, who will report this to Jersey Designated Officer (all allegations must go through the JDO who will support next steps) an appropriate investigation will take place with advice from the JDO. If the allegation is against the DSL or you have concerns that the allegation has not been take seriously you then you must contact the JDO yourself.

For all allegations against adults contact the Independent Safeguarding Standards (ISS) JDO on 01534 443566

If a staff member or parent highlight a safeguarding issue:

Report any concerns immediately to the DSL who will discuss this with the CEO (see also Centrepoint's Child Protection Whistle Blowing Policy), who will report this to Jersey Designated Officer for their support and advice, all allegations must go through the JDO. An appropriate investigation will take place with advice from the JDO

For all allegations against adults contact the Independent Safeguarding Standards (ISS) – JDO on 01534 443566

The registering and regulating body CEYS can also be contacted to aid decision making. CEYS: 01534 449387 or email

Any person raising a concern will be asked to complete a written account of factual information relating to the concern including dates and times using the Safeguarding Concerns report form. The Safeguarding Partnership Board will be contacted by the CEO.

If you feel that the Manager has not responded appropriately to the concern/incident raised, the responsibility is on you to refer to the CEO for advice, you can make an official complaint by emailing If you are still not satisfied with how the situation has been dealt with, you can contact the Safeguarding Partnership board. CEYS: 01534 449387 or email

  • Information from a third party, i.e. someone who is not a Centrepoint employee or management, regarding suspicions of child abuse cannot be ignored. If the person imparting the information has concerns, they should be encouraged to contact The Children and Families Hub, it should be explained to them that Centrepoint has an obligation to contact them. The concerns should be recorded. If in doubt about a concern or an incident, always seek advice.
  • Confidentiality is of the utmost importance and any incidents/concerns must only be discussed with relevant persons e.g. Manager or the Safeguarding board. All referrals are taken seriously and considered with an open mind. Employees are reminded of the Declaration of Secrecy that they sign on starting employment.
  • Centrepoint will routinely discuss all concerns/incidents with parents prior to involvement of another agency unless the circumstances don’t allow this. All conversations with parents must be recorded. (Record of Concern Form).
  • Safeguarding Partnership Board


Appendix 1 – Type of Abuse

  • Physical Abuse – An adult deliberately hurting a child, and causing injuries such as bruises, broken bones, burns or cuts. It is not accidental and may include being hit, shaken, thrown, poisoned, drowned or suffocated.
  • Emotional Abuse – The ongoing maltreatment of a child, sometimes called psychological abuse, which can seriously damage a child’s emotional health and development. This may include frightening, intimidating, humiliating or ignoring a child.
  • Sexual Abuse – Where a child is forced or persuaded to take part in sexual activity; this does not have to be physical contact, it may be online.
  • Neglect – Failing to meet a child’s basic needs; children left hungry or dirty, inadequately dressed or sheltered, without supervision, proper health care or the love, care and attention they need from their parents.

Appendix 2 – Children’s Rights

Article 2 – The Convention applies to everyone, whatever their race, religion, abilities; whatever they think or say, whatever type of family they come from.

Article 3 – All organisations concerned with children should work towards what is best for each child.

Article 12 – Children have the right to say what they think should happen, when adults are making decisions that affect them, and to have their opinions taken into account.

Article 19 – Governments should ensure that children are properly cared for, and protect them from violence, abuse and neglect by their parents, or anyone else looking after them.

Article 23 –Children who have any kind of disability should have special care and support, so that they can lead full and independent lives.

Article 31 – All children have a right to relax and play, and to join in a wide range of activities.

Article 34 – The government should protect children from sexual abuse.

Article 39 – Children who have been neglected should receive special help to restore their self-respect.

Appendix 3 – Code of Practice

The following code of practice applies to all Centrepoint employees, whether acting in a paid or unpaid capacity:

  • Physical contact should not be encouraged by an adult unless it is child initiated. Although some physical contact is necessary, especially if a child is upset and needs comforting or reassuring, employees need to be aware of when it is inappropriate.
  • Taking children on car journeys is not permitted.
  • Do not make suggestive or inappropriate remarks to or about a child even in fun, as this could be misinterpreted.
  • Be aware that those who abuse children can be of any gender, ethnic background, class or age (even other children), and it is important not to allow personal preconceptions about people to prevent appropriate actions taking place.
  • Good practice includes valuing and respecting children as individuals, and adult role modelling of appropriate conduct - Bullying, aggressive behaviour, racism, sectarianism, discrimination of any kind or sexism is not acceptable. Inappropriate practice needs to be addressed and challenged to create a safeguarding conscious culture.
  • Know the children in our care and be aware of signs that may be out of character for that child.
  • The statutory requirements will need to be adhered to by all staff at all times. These are emailed to all new staff and volunteers. They can also be found on the Government of Jersey website.

Appendix 4 – Record of Concern


Your privacy is important to us and Centrepoint (The Data Controller) is committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what we do with it. This policy sets out how we collect, process, retain, and disclose your personal data in a fair and secure manner. We will offer you choices about the way you are contacted and will be clear about how we use your information.

This information is provided in accordance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 for the purposes of providing you with a service you have requested, for example:

  • Childcare options
  • Nursery Funded Places
  • Newsletters
  • Fundraising activities and events
  • Employment opportunities
  • Volunteer opportunities

This policy applies in addition to our standard Terms and Conditions and other relevant policies including:

  • Any contract between Centrepoint and its staff, contractors, or the parents/guardians of children
  • Data Processing Schedule
  • The retention of records policy (reference: Childcare and Early Years Service (CEYS) Retention schedule)

Anyone who works for, or acts on behalf of Centrepoint (including staff, volunteers, governors and service providers) should also be aware of and comply with this Privacy Policy and the Data Processing Schedule, which also provides further information about how personal data may be used.


Responsibility for Data Protection and Questions

Centrepoint as “Data Controller” will endeavour to ensure that all personal data is processed in compliance with this policy and the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. If you have any questions about this policy please contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) using the following email address:


What is Personal Data?

Personal data is information that identifies you as an individual and relates to you. This includes, but isn’t limited to your contact details, next of kin, date of birth and financial information. 

Why Centrepoint needs to process Personal Data

In order to carry out its ordinary duties to staff, contractors, children and parents/guardians, Centrepoint may process a wide range of personal data about individuals (including current, past and prospective staff, children and parents/guardians) as part of its daily operation.

Some of this activity needs to be carried out in order for Centrepoint to fulfil its legal and regulatory duties, rights and obligations – including those under a contract with its staff and contractors, parents/guardians and children.

In addition, Centrepoint may need to process special category personal data (for example, health or religion) or criminal records information (such as when carrying out DBS checks) in accordance with rights or duties imposed on it by law, including as regards safeguarding and employment.


How Centrepoint collects Personal Data:

Generally, Centrepoint received personal data from the individual directly (including, in the case of children, from their parents/guardian). This may be via a form, or communication such as email.

However in some cases personal data may be supplied by third parties (for example other professionals or authorities working with that individual); or collected from publicly available resources.

There may be times when personal data is obtained from a third party e.g. as a result of a referral of a child by a professional, where parental consent has been given.

Who has access to your Personal Data and who do we share it with?

For the most part, personal data collected by Centrepoint will be stored/recorded internally, and will be processed by appropriate individuals only in accordance with access protocols. Particularly strict rules of access apply in the context of:

  • Medical Records
  • Safeguarding files
  • Financial information 

Occasionally, Centrepoint will need to share personal information with third parties, such as professional advisers (lawyers and accountants), relevant authorities (social Security, Tax Office, Police or other local authority) or professional agencies when there is a child protection or safeguarding concern.

In accordance with Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018, some of Centrepoints processing activity is carried out on its behalf by third parties, such as IT systems, web developers, storage and social media providers (e.g.Facebook and Twitter). Where possible this is subject to contractual assurances that personal data will be kept securely and in accordance with Centrepoints specific directions.

Sending information to other countries

As part of the services we offer you, the information you provide may be transferred to countries outside of the European Economic Area (EEA). For example where information may be stored on computer servers based overseas. By submitting your personal data, you are agreeing to this transfer, storing and processing. When information is transferred outside of the EEA in this way, we will take steps to ensure that appropriate security measures are taken to continue to protect your privacy rights as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

How long do we hold personal data?

We only hold your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. Further information can be found at the Childcare and Early Years Service (CEYS) Retention schedule.


Links to other websites 

Our site may contain links to other websites. Please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies.


Controlling your personal information

You have a right to access, amend and restrict the use of your personal data. You can also erase personal data from our records, unless there is a legal reason not to do so.

Data accuracy and security

Centrepoint will endeavour to ensure that all personal data held in relation to an individual is as up to date and accurate as possible. To ensure that the information we hold is accurate and up-to-date, please let us know promptly of any relevant change to your contact details by emailing us on


You can complain to the Information Commissioner about the way your information is being used by contacting the Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner: Telephone: +44 (0)1534 716530 or Email:



Cookies are files which can be stored on your computer when you visit a website. These files contain information about the webpages you look at. We use cookies so that you can look at our website anonymously. No personal information is collected. The information is used to identify patterns, to improve our website and to learn about the number of visitors to our website. 


open the record of concern form