
As a registered Charity, fundraising is high on our list of priorities.


Fundraising for Centrepoint

We rely on the generosity of the wonderful people and organisations of Jersey, who never cease to amaze or disappoint us.

Each year we identify specific projects that we want to undertake which will enhance the experience the children have whilst they are in our care. This year we have 2 exciting projects which are very close to our hearts because they are focussed on the care we provide for children who have complex needs.

The projects are particularly important as there simply aren’t enough opportunities for the children, or support for their families, on the island. Sadly these children miss out on things that other children take for granted, and we want to do our very best to enrich their lives as much as possible. Please help us raise money to fund the projects below.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels


Modular Classroom Pods for The Space

At the moment we have 2 co-joined portakabins which comprise of a large sensory room, a chill-out area and an activities area. Whilst we have done our utmost to ensure the portakabins are well-maintained, they are reaching the end of their life, and it’s time they were replaced.

We are therefore trying to raise a total of £300k to enable us to purchase 2 purpose-built Modular Classroom Pods similar to the one pictured.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels


Supported Holiday Club for The Space

We currently have a Contract with the Government of Jersey to provide up to 7 weeks’ supported holiday care through the Short Breaks scheme for up to 18 children per session. Unfortunately this still leaves 7 weeks’ holiday during each academic year where the children have nowhere to go.

There are 66 days holiday during this academic year, and the Government subsidises a maximum of 35 of those days. It costs us around £1,800 per day to support a maximum of 20 children, so we are looking at raising a total £55,800 to cover the remaining 31 days of the holidays.

Centrepoint's vice chair of governors, James Barrett, is taking on a 24 hour running challenge on 8/9 June to raise funds for The Space.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels


Amazon Wishlists

There are always some resources we need to replenish or would like to add to our spaces. If you would like to add some from our Amazon wish list, please click through the following links.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels


Other Ways to Support

Leave a gift in your will
Giving money to charity in your Will isa great way to make a lasting difference, and leave a positive legacy for the future.

Co-Operative Dividend number
Please support us by using our dividend number 8070 when shopping in any branch of the Co-Operative in Jersey.

Regular Donations
Making a regular, monthly donation by direct debit (which can be done online) is an easy and flexible way to support our charity.  However large or small your donation, it will be used to support our children who need it most.

Sponsor a Bus
Following a recent rebranding exercise, we have updated the livery on our minibuses at a cost of £950 per bus.

By sponsoring a bus and showing that you are supporting because you care about, your employees will feel proud to be part of a team that is making a real difference to the lives of those in need and you will automatically raise the profile of your organisation and improve your reputation amongst your audience.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels


Sponsor a child in need

Our ESML scheme provides vital care for the children of parents and/or the siblings of children who have experienced some adversity or setbacks which has resulted in them requiring immediate, short term, child care. We are acutely aware that charity is not just for those who may be disadvantaged. We all feel the struggle at times, which is why we also provide heavily subsidised medium term and long term child care where it is felt that the welfare and the emotional and/or physical wellbeing of the child is at risk. Our ESML scheme is funded primarily by the fees payable by the parents who are accessing our mainstream nursery and play care settings. Last year we helped over 40 children and families at a cost of nearly £100,000. However, with your support we will be able to provide care for even more families who desperately need our help.

Sponsor a Child with Complex or Special Needs
Centrepoint is proud to offer The Space which is the islands’ only facility incorporating an after school, weekend and holiday club for children with complex or additional needs, and a holiday club for children with higher-level specialist needs. We have been very lucky to secure a contract with the Government to enable us to offer holiday care for up to 34 children per session, up to a maximum of 7 weeks of the year. However, there are 14 weeks holiday in the academic year and no other supported holiday clubs open for the other 7 weeks, which means that these children have nowhere to go. As a charity, we endeavour to open our supported holiday club for as many of the remaining un-contracted holidays as we can, but we need your support to do this. Whether you support an individual child, session, or a full week, you can take pride in the knowledge that you will be making a huge difference to someone’s life.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels

corporate sponsorship

Corporate Support

There are lots of different ways that organisations can get involved and support Centrepoint.

Charity of the Year
Why not make Centrepoint your Charity of the Year? Your employees will feel proud to be part of a team that is making a real difference to the lives of those in need and are more likely to view the company in a good light as a result. 

The Centrepoint 4x4x48 Challenge, Sponsored by Intertrust and our Branding Partner The Beach is a fundraising sports event. The aim is to raise £9,000 to cover one week of running costs for holiday care at The Space. If you want to run with colleagues the Relay challenge is a a great option to raise team spirit and funds for a worthy cause.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels


The Big Project

The Space is currently situated in a purpose-designed area at the charity’s La Pouquelaye site, with the specialist holiday club being located within a local primary school.

We have always taken pride in supporting our families in every way we could, and since opening The Space it has become very clear that there is a huge void in the services available to children with complex or special needs.

The next step will be for The Space to move into purpose-built premises catering specifically for these children. This will enable us to expand our AfterSchool, Weekend Club and Holiday Club provision by working alongside and supporting other organisations who also specialise in the care of children with complex or specialist needs.

Help us make this happen!
Whilst we potentially have a local investor who is keen to help us find and fund suitable premises for our Complex Needs Centre, with staffing costs alone being in excess of £1,800 per day, we still very much need your support.  

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels


Get Involved – Help us with our Fundraising

Each year Centrepoint runs a number of large fundraising activities. We are always looking for organisations to sponsor our events, or help us organise and run them.

Details of forthcoming events can be found in our Events Calendar.

The Centrepoint 4x4x48 Challenge
Sponsored by Intertrust Group and our Brand Partner The Beach. Changing children's lives, 4 miles at a time.

oin Ultra challengers running 4 miles, every 4 hours, for 48 hours or take on one of our four alternative challenges. So if you run for a club, run regularly but want to challenge yourself further, want to run with colleagues in a relay or are a junior runner we have a run for you.

Our fundraising aim is £9,000. This will cover the running cost for one week of holiday childcare services at The Space, which will benefit up to 20 children with complex or additional needs.

Hold your own Fundraising event
Whether it’s quick and easy events such as dress down days, Christmas jumper days, cake sale or larger events like organising a Fundraising Ball or a physical/mental team challenge, holding your own fundraising event is a great team builder and every penny raised will help us help one of our children.

Charity match giving
Why not support both Centrepoint and your own employees by matching their charitable activities? These schemes normally involve the organisation agreeing to match any sponsorship money that the employee has raised, or by giving a set donation towards the sponsorship money raised for our charity.

Easy fundraising
Did you know that you can raise free funds for us by registering with is supported by over 3,000 retailers who will make a free donation to Centrepoint every time you use the to shop online. Simply click on the link below to register and start supporting our charity.

Your Hour to Give
By setting up a Payroll Giving Scheme, your company is improving its corporate social responsibility profile. This can be used to positively advertise your organisation and show that it is a socially conscious employer, which may improve your business relations and can act as a selling point to potential clients. 

Encouraging your employees to join the “Your Hour to Give” scheme will give them the option of donating the equivalent of one hours’ pay (or a specified amount each month) to our charity. This donation will be automatically deducted out of their pay via the company’s payroll system.

Payroll Giving is quick and easy to set up and administer at minimum cost to the company.

Payroll Giving is quick and easy to set up and administer at minimum cost to the company.For more information about how you can help support Centrepoint, please contact Jane Moy.

Breakfast Club
After School Club
Holiday Club
Street Angels
